
Showing posts from February, 2018

Chapter 6 Chat... March 1@ 8:30 PM NT (8 PM At, 7 PM ET)

Been thinking about Algorithms and Number Sense? We'd love to hear about it!  Be sure to join us for this week's Twitter Chat digging into Chapter 6! Thursday, March 1 8:30 PM NT (8PM AT, 7 PM ET) Here are the questions we'll be working through: Q1) "Parents define mathematics as the skills they were taught." How can we help broaden this definition? Q2) But algorithms are not ALL bad! How do we know when students are ready to generalize to a standard algorithm? Q3) How has your definition/approach to automaticity changed as we examine the place of algorithms and number sense? Q4) How are mathematical models connected to development of an algorithm? Q5) In what ways are teachers "on the edge" right now as we move towards a constructivist approach to teaching math? Q6) Consolidate your learning from this week's work in one tweet!...

Chapter 6 is "Algorithms Versus Number Sense" Join us! Connect to the learning!

Image Join us  for Chapter 6   "Algorithms Versus Number Sense"  Cathy Fosnot and Stephen Hurley guide our thinking through Chapter 6 of  Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Multiplication and Division ,  as they explore how children mathematize, think like mathematicians and make sense of number, rather than apply algorithms before they have the deep understanding of number to do so. Tuesday, February 27 on  VoicEd Internet Radio  and on Twitter at  #nledmath , 7:30 PM NT (7 AT, 6 ET)

Join the Chapter 5 Chat... tonight @ 8:30 pm NT (8 pm AT, 7 PM ET)!

There's a place for your voice... join our follow-up Twitter Chat! 8:30 PM NT, (8 PM AT, 7 PM ET) Here are the questions from Chapter 5 we’ll reflect on tonight: Q1) When you think about multiplication and division which models would be most powerful long term? Q2) How are models connected to development? Q3) How do we support children to construct models then generalize their thinking? Q4) ”The issue here is not whether facts should eventually be memorized, but how this memorization is achieved; by rote drill and practice, or by focusing on relationships?” (p.86) What practices support students to develop automaticity? Q5) “Models cannot be transmitted any more than strategies or big ideas can be; learners must construct them.” (p 80). How does this shift our practice? Q6) What contexts for mathematizing division are you finding useful?

Join us tonight for Chapter 5 - Developing Mathematical Models

Join us tonight for Week 5 as we explore the development and understanding of mathematical models.  Cathy Fosnot and Stephen Hurley guide our thinking through Chapter 5 of  Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Multiplication and Division ,  and the developmental change in thinking of students from using models to share their thinking to using models to support their thinking.  Tonight on   VoicEd Internet Radio   and on Twitter at   #nledmath , 7:30 PM NT (7 AT, 6 ET)

Join the chat... tonight @ 8:30 PM NT (8 PM AT, 7 pm ET)

  The door is open... join us for our follow-up Twitter Chat 8:30 PM NT, (8 PM AT, 7 PM ET) Here are the questions that will be guiding our reflection tonight: Q1) We've talked about the importance of context and constriant before. What do these look like when discussing division? Q2) @cfosnot suggests we engage with students by listening intently. How will students know we are listening intently? Q3) What impact does this Piaget quote have on your classroom practice? Q4) How can teachers help students understand the concept of a "remainder"?  Q5) "You can't ever give out a big idea! It has to be created!" How does this impact our thinking about teaching mathematics? Q6) We're halfway through #notabookstudy! What have you changed in your practice since starting this journey?

Week 4... join us @ 7:30 NT (7:00 pm AT, 6:00 pm ET)

Welcome to Week 4 Join us tonight for Week 4 as we explore the critical connection between multiplication and division. Cathy Fosnot and Stephen Hurley guide our thinking through chapter 4 of Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Multiplication and Division ,  and the importance of providing students with opportunities to mathematize related multiplication and division situations.  Tonight on VoicEd Internet Radio and on Twitter at #nledmath , 7:30 PM NT (7 AT, 6 ET)

Join us! Twitter chat February 8, 2018 @8:30 pm NT (8:00pm AT, 7:00 pm ET)

Share in the conversation... share your thinking! #nledmath As we take a deeper dive into Chapter 3, here are the questions that will guide us: Q1) How do we approach the teaching of mathematics so our children view themselves as mathematicians? Q2) "Progress from repeated addition to multiplication requires the construction of new elements." How do we scaffold this? Q3) How does the use of textbooks act as a restraint rather than a constraint? Q4) What strategies can be used to engage parents in constructing mathematical thinking with their children? Q5) Learning isn’t linear. In what ways do we ensure our teaching isn’t linear either? Q6) How does thinking about the development of math learning as a landscape change how we behave as math teachers? 

Welcome to Week 3!

Mathematizing this week?  Opportunities to see math in the world are everywhere these days! Remember to join us at 7:30 NT for Week 3. We'll be exploring big ideas and strategies with Cathy Fosnot and Stephen Hurley on VoicEd Internet Radio and on Twitter at #nesdmath . Chapter 3 of Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Multiplication and Division