Join us... Week 9 Twitter Chat! Thursday March 15 @ 8:30 NT (8 AT, 7 ET)

We're synthesizing! 

It's Week 9, our last Twitter Chat for this round.

Connect with us and share your learning!

Thursday, March 15 8:30 PM NT
(8PM AT, 7 PM ET)

Image result for cell phone and coffee clipart

Week 9 Twitter Chat Questions:

Q1)  How has the image of a classroom changed in your mind over the past nine weeks?

Q2) What assumptions about school have been challenged by our landscape learning?

Q3) Throughout our book study, we've really explored the idea of doing math together. How will you move forward with learning collaboratively?

Q4) Tuesday we moved toward the edge! What does it mean to be an edge dweller? What do you define as the edge?

Q5) Where do you go from here? What part of your learning will you next incorporate in your practice?

Q6) Your chance for last words! Any messages for @ctfosnot? Any wishes for your tremendous PLN from the past nine weeks?


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